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TELE-OPTOMETRY at the Optical Center:

The Gold-Standard For Comprehensive Eye Exams Performed Remotely By Optometrists

Our eye doctor is always in! There is no more waiting for the actual doctor to be in…we are proud to offer comprehensive eye exams by board certified optometrists at the convenience of YOUR schedule. These comprehensive eye exams are performed anytime in any of our offices during normal office hours. Our eye exam professionals have performed over 2 million virtual eye exams.

How it Works

We implement a proprietary technology that allow optometrists to remotely perform comprehensive eye exams and issue prescriptions in less than 30 minutes. Walk-in patients receive testing and care while staying comfortably socially distanced. Our vision technicians will take care of the initial part of the eye exam. After they send the preliminary evaluation to the doctor, the doctor will complete the exam virtually as they remotely use the examination equipment. You may ask the doctor question and interact with them as you normally would and other eye exam

 Upon completion of the exam, the optometrist will finalize and deliver your prescription for their new glasses or contacts within minutes.

  1. Patient arrives and completes their health information.
  2. Preliminary testing of the patient is thoroughly performed in the clinical area by our visions techs.
  3. A video Slit Lamp will be used to capture high-definition videos of the Anterior Chamber (outside structures of the eye) for the remote doctor to evaluate.
  4. An accurate refraction is performed in real-time via high definition video conference to determine the focal condition of the eye and need for correction.
  1. The Optometrist, located remotely, during the performance of the comprehensive eye exam including ability to remotely control the phoropter, reviews all of the information in real-time, and speaks with the patient via high definition video conference.
  2. Ocular health review is an important part of a comprehensive eye exam. Our remote optometrists display the patient’s retinal images, discuss the results and answer patient questions. All in real-time.
  3. Utilizing high-resolution video conferencing, the Optometrist has the ability to review all test results with the patient, including suggestions for eyeglass and contact lens selection based on the patient’s needs.
  4. Upon completion of the exam, the Optometrist will finalize and deliver within minutes the patient’s prescription for their new glasses or contacts.

Benefits to Tele-Optometry

  • Same Day Appointments
  • Expanded Hours
  • Easy and convenient
  • No long waits for appointments
  • New Prescriptions within minutes

With remote exam technology, optical exams are now more readily available to our patients that require corrective lenses but do not receive annual eye exams. Our platform provides an optimized and simplified patient experience with increased convenience to real doctors. Our patient reviews have proven that the remote exam technology platform provides an enjoyable, optimized and simplified cost-effective experience for our patients.





From the time the patient completes a registration form on a computer tablet to the completion of the comprehensive eye examination the total elapsed time will average less than 30 minutes.

Prescriptions will be issued within minutes of the conclusion of the eye exam, allowing for quick and easy purchase of eyewear or contact lenses.

No.  The additional cost of having a doctor available to perform an eye exam at all days and hours is offset by the reduced cost of having the doctor perform exams on patients located at more than one exam site.

The doctor will refer the patient to other specialty providers as needed.  This may include optometrists specializing in glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, dry eye, blepharitis, vision therapy, neuro optometric rehabilitation, or specialty contact lens fits.  Other referrals may include ophthalmologists who are specialists in retina, dry eye, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, or neuro.  Referrals may also be made to your Primary Care Physician, Endocrinologist, or others as per the prescribing optometrist recommendations.

Yes………Most companies will cover eye exams performed by tele-optometry because the exam includes protocol for early detection of eye disease and the technology will reduce the cost of comprehensive eye exams.